
Install DebOps scripts, playbooks and roles using Ansible

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

DebOps project debops

Travis CI test-suite Ansible Galaxy

DebOps is a set of Python scripts, Ansible playbooks and Ansible roles designed to work together to create a consistent data center environment based on Debian GNU/Linux distribution.

This role installs the DebOps scripts, playbooks and roles on a specified host. It can be used to create remote Ansible Controller hosts, which then can be used to control other hosts using DebOps. Roles and playbooks will be installed in a central, system-wide location, available to all users.


This role requires at least Ansible v1.9.0. To install it, run:

ansible-galaxy install debops.debops


More information about debops.debops can be found in the official debops.debops documentation.

Are you using this as a standalone role without DebOps?

You may need to include missing roles from the DebOps common playbook into your playbook.

Try DebOps now for a complete solution to run your Debian-based infrastructure.

Authors and license

debops role was written by:

License: GPLv3

This role is part of the DebOps project. README generated by ansigenome.