
NXRM3 scripts for maintaining nexus 3 repositories

Primary LanguageGroovy


NXRM3 scripts for maintaining nexus 3 repositories. It contains mainly groovy scripts to list or delete assets based on regular expression which can be scheduled via cron or in the Nexus Task scheduler (with few modifications).


The scripts are tested with nexus 3.5.2, but please test them yourself thoroughly in a test environment before using them on a production instance.

Deploy scripts

You can provision all groovy scripts in src/main/groovy or one specified by option -s (full path to script).

provision.sh -h https://repository.host.com -u admin -p **** [-s script]

Remove scripts

You can remove all groovy scripts from the server in src/main/groovy or one specified by option -n.

delete.sh -h https://repository.host.com -u admin -p **** [-n nameScript]

Call script

First load the groovy classes required in the scripts. After every restart of Nexus, this needs to be done before the other scripts are called:

curl -v -X POST -u admin:****** \
    --header "Content-Type: text/plain" \
    -d "{}" \
curl -v -X POST -u admin:****** \
    --header "Content-Type: text/plain" \
    -d "{}" \

Delete or list Docker assets

curl -v -X POST -u admin:****** \
    --header "Content-Type: text/plain" \
    -d "{\"repoName\": \"test\", \"versionsToKeep\": \"5\", \"delete\": \"y\", \"imageFilter\": \"prefix/.*\"}" \

To only list docker assets, set the delete parameter to "n".


./run.sh -h https://repository.host -u admin -p **** -n DeleteDockerAssets -d mydocker-repo.json

Option -d is a json file that should contain at least the docker repoName and number of versionsToKeep. See example docker-repo.json.

Configure LDAP

curl -v -X POST -u admin:****** \
    --header "Content-Type: text/plain" \
    -d @ldap.json https://repository.host.com/service/siesta/rest/v1/script/ConfigureLDAP/run


./run.sh -h https://repository.host -u admin -p **** -n ConfigureLDAP -d ldap.json

Option -d is a json file containing the ldap configuration. See example ldap.json.

Add LDAP Groups with permissions

curl -v -X POST -u admin:****** \
    --header "Content-Type: text/plain" \
    -d @ldap-roles.json https://repository.host.com/service/siesta/rest/v1/script/AddLDAPRole/run


./run.sh -h https://repository.host -u admin -p **** -n AddLDAPRole -d ldap-roles.json

Option -d is a json file containing the ldap roles to be created with permissions. See example ldap-roles.json.

Resetting admin account


Reset admin password

Run this:

connect plocal:../sonatype-work/nexus3/db/security admin admin

update user SET password="$shiro1$SHA-512$1024$NE+wqQq/TmjZMvfI7ENh/g==$V4yPw8T64UQ6GfJfxYq2hLsVrBY8D1v+bktfOxGdt4b/9BthpWPNUy/CBk6V9iA0nHpzYzJFWO8v/tZFtES8CA==" UPSERT WHERE id="admin"


Reset admin role

Run this:

connect plocal:../sonatype-work/nexus3/db/security admin admin update user_role_mapping set roles=["nx-admin"] upsert where userId='admin' exit