Sure, here's a list of 100 basic algorithms:
Linear search algorithm Binary search algorithm Bubble sort algorithm Selection sort algorithm Insertion sort algorithm Merge sort algorithm Quick sort algorithm Counting sort algorithm Radix sort algorithm Bucket sort algorithm Euclidean algorithm Extended Euclidean algorithm Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm Factorial algorithm Fibonacci sequence algorithm Greatest common divisor (GCD) algorithm Least common multiple (LCM) algorithm Power algorithm (exponentiation) Newton-Raphson algorithm Root-finding algorithms (e.g. bisection, Newton-Raphson, secant method) Monte Carlo algorithm Simulated annealing algorithm Genetic algorithm Hill-climbing algorithm A* search algorithm Dijkstra's algorithm Bellman-Ford algorithm Floyd-Warshall algorithm Kruskal's algorithm Prim's algorithm Topological sort algorithm Depth-first search algorithm Breadth-first search algorithm Tarjan's algorithm Strongly connected components algorithm Linear regression algorithm Logistic regression algorithm K-nearest neighbors algorithm K-means algorithm Principal component analysis (PCA) algorithm Support vector machine (SVM) algorithm Naive Bayes algorithm Decision tree algorithm Random forest algorithm Artificial neural network algorithm Convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm Recurrent neural network (RNN) algorithm Long short-term memory (LSTM) algorithm Dynamic programming algorithm Levenshtein distance algorithm Edit distance algorithm Huffman coding algorithm Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression algorithm Burrows-Wheeler transform algorithm Rabin-Karp algorithm Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm Boyer-Moore algorithm Fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) algorithm Cooley-Tukey algorithm Karatsuba algorithm (for multiplication) Strassen's algorithm (for matrix multiplication) Pollard's rho algorithm (for factorization) Miller-Rabin algorithm (for primality testing) RSA algorithm (for public key cryptography) Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm ElGamal encryption algorithm Hash table algorithm Bloom filter algorithm Directed acyclic graph (DAG) shortest path algorithm Edmonds-Karp algorithm (for maximum flow) Ford-Fulkerson algorithm (for maximum flow) Boyer-Moore-Horspool algorithm Gries-Schneider algorithm Knapsack problem algorithm Travelling salesman problem algorithm Linear programming algorithm Simplex algorithm Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition algorithm Gauss-Jordan elimination algorithm (for linear equations) Cholesky decomposition algorithm (for symmetric positive definite matrices) LU decomposition algorithm (for square matrices) QR decomposition algorithm (for square matrices) Singular value decomposition (SVD) algorithm Gram-Schmidt algorithm (for orthogonalization) Householder