
Laravel plugin for processing payments through PayPal. Can be used separately.

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Laravel PayPal

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  • Introduction
  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Usage
    • [Set Currency] (#usage-currency)
    • [Additional PayPal API Parameters] (#usage-paypal-params)
    • [Express Checkout] (#usage-express-checkout)
      • [SetExpressCheckout] (#usage-ec-setexpresscheckout)
      • [GetExpressCheckoutDetails] (#usage-ec-getexpresscheckoutdetails)
      • [DoExpressCheckoutPayment] (#usage-ec-doexpresscheckoutpayment)
      • [RefundTransaction] (#usage-ec-refundtransaction)
      • [CreateBillingAgreement] (#usage-ec-createbillingagreement)
      • [CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile] (#usage-ec-createrecurringprofile)
      • [GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails] (#usage-ec-getrecurringprofiledetails)
      • [UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile] (#usage-ec-updaterecurringprofile)
      • [ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus] (#usage-ec-managerecurringprofile)
    • [Adaptive Payments] (#usage-adaptive-payments)
      • [Pay] (#usage-adaptive-pay)
  • Handling PayPal IPN
  • Support


Laravel plugin For Processing Payments Through Paypal. Using this plugin you can process or refund payments and handle IPN (Instant Payment Notification) from PayPal in your Laravel application.

Currently only PayPal Express Checkout API Is Supported.


  • Use following command to install:
composer require srmklive/paypal
  • Add the service provider to your $providers array in config/app.php file like:
'Srmklive\PayPal\Providers\PayPalServiceProvider' // Laravel 5
Srmklive\PayPal\Providers\PayPalServiceProvider::class // Laravel 5.1 or greater
  • Add the alias to your $aliases array in config/app.php file like:
'PayPal' => 'Srmklive\PayPal\Facades\PayPal' // Laravel 5
'PayPal' => Srmklive\PayPal\Facades\PayPal::class // Laravel 5.1 or greater
  • Run the following command to publish configuration:
php artisan vendor:publish


  • After installation, you will need to add your paypal settings. Following is the code you will find in config/paypal.php, which you should update accordingly.
return [
    'mode' => 'sandbox',        // Can only be 'sandbox' Or 'live'. If empty or invalid, 'live' will be used.
    'sandbox' => [
        'username' => '',       // Api Username
        'password' => '',       // Api Password
        'secret' => '',         // This refers to api signature
        'certificate' => '',    // Link to paypals cert file, storage_path('cert_key_pem.txt')
    'live' => [
        'username' => '',       // Api Username
        'password' => '',       // Api Password
        'secret' => '',         // This refers to api signature
        'certificate' => '',    // Link to paypals cert file, storage_path('cert_key_pem.txt')
    'payment_action' => 'Sale', // Can Only Be 'Sale', 'Authorization', 'Order'
    'currency' => 'USD',
    'notify_url' => '',         // Change this accordingly for your application.


Following are some ways through which you can access the paypal provider:

// Import the class namespaces first, before using it directly
use Srmklive\PayPal\Services\ExpressCheckout;
use Srmklive\PayPal\Services\AdaptivePayments;

$provider = new ExpressCheckout;      // To use express checkout.
$provider = new AdaptivePayments;     // To use adaptive payments.

// Through facade. No need to import namespaces
$provider = PayPal::setProvider('express_checkout');      // To use express checkout(used by default).
$provider = PayPal::setProvider('adaptive_payments');     // To use adaptive payments.
// Through global helper functions
$provider = express_checkout();      // To use express checkout.
$provider = adaptive_payments();     // To use adaptive payments. 

Set Currency

By default the currency used is USD. If you wish to change it, you may call setCurrency method to set a different currency before calling any respective API methods:


Additional PayPal API Parameters

By default only a specific set of parameters are used for PayPal API calls. However, if you wish specify any other additional parameters you may call the addOptions method before calling any respective API methods:

$options = [
    'BRANDNAME' => 'MyBrand',
    'LOGOIMG' => 'https://example.com/mylogo.png',
    'CHANNELTYPE' => 'Merchant'


Express Checkout

$data = [];
$data['items'] = [
        'name' => 'Product 1',
        'price' => 9.99,
        'qty' => 1
        'name' => 'Product 2',
        'price' => 4.99,
        'qty' => 2

$data['invoice_id'] = 1;
$data['invoice_description'] = "Order #{$data[invoice_id]} Invoice";
$data['return_url'] = url('/payment/success');
$data['cancel_url'] = url('/cart');

$total = 0;
foreach($data['items'] as $item) {
    $total += $item['price']*$item['qty'];

$data['total'] = $total;

  • SetExpressCheckout

    $response = $provider->setExpressCheckout($data);
    // Use the following line when creating recurring payment profiles (subscriptions)
    $response = $provider->setExpressCheckout($data, true);
     // This will redirect user to PayPal
    return redirect($response['paypal_link']);

  • GetExpressCheckoutDetails

    $response = $provider->getExpressCheckoutDetails($token);

  • DoExpressCheckoutPayment

    // Note that 'token', 'PayerID' are values returned by PayPal when it redirects to success page after successful verification of user's PayPal info.
    $response = $provider->doExpressCheckoutPayment($data, $token, $PayerID);

  • RefundTransaction

    $response = $provider->refundTransaction($transactionid);

  • CreateBillingAgreement

    // The $token is the value returned from SetExpressCheckout API call
    $response = $provider->createBillingAgreement($token);

  • CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile

    // The $token is the value returned from SetExpressCheckout API call
    $startdate = Carbon::now()->toAtomString();
    $profile_desc = !empty($data['subscription_desc']) ?
                $data['subscription_desc'] : $data['invoice_description'];
    $data = [
        'PROFILESTARTDATE' => $startdate,
        'DESC' => $profile_desc,
        'BILLINGPERIOD' => 'Month', // Can be 'Day', 'Week', 'SemiMonth', 'Month', 'Year'
        'BILLINGFREQUENCY' => 12, // set 12 for monthly, 52 for yearly
        'AMT' => 10, // Billing amount for each billing cycle
        'CURRENCYCODE' => 'USD', // Currency code 
        'TRIALBILLINGPERIOD' => 'Day',  // (Optional) Can be 'Day', 'Week', 'SemiMonth', 'Month', 'Year'
        'TRIALBILLINGFREQUENCY' => 10, // (Optional) set 12 for monthly, 52 for yearly 
        'TRIALTOTALBILLINGCYCLES' => 1, // (Optional) Change it accordingly
        'TRIALAMT' => 0, // (Optional) Change it accordingly
    $response = $provider->createRecurringPaymentsProfile($data, $token);

  • GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails

    $response = $provider->getRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails($profileid);

  • UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile

    $response = $provider->updateRecurringPaymentsProfile($data, $profileid);

  • ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus

    // Cancel recurring payment profile
    $response = $provider->cancelRecurringPaymentsProfile($profileid);
    // Suspend recurring payment profile
    $response = $provider->suspendRecurringPaymentsProfile($profileid);
    // Reactivate recurring payment profile
    $response = $provider->reactivateRecurringPaymentsProfile($profileid);    

Adaptive Payments

To use adaptive payments, you must set the provider to use Adaptive Payments:


  • Pay
// Change the values accordingly for your application
$data = [
    'receivers'  => [
            'email' => 'johndoe@example.com',
            'amount' => 10,
            'primary' => true,
            'email' => 'janedoe@example.com',
            'amount' => 5,
            'primary' => false
    'payer' => 'EACHRECEIVER', // (Optional) Describes who pays PayPal fees. Allowed values are: 'SENDER', 'PRIMARYRECEIVER', 'EACHRECEIVER' (Default), 'SECONDARYONLY'
    'return_url' => url('payment/success'), 
    'cancel_url' => url('payment/cancel'),

$response = $provider->createPayRequest($data);

// The above API call will return the following values if successful:
// 'responseEnvelope.ack', 'payKey', 'paymentExecStatus'

Next, you need to redirect the user to PayPal to authorize the payment

$redirect_url = $provider->getRedirectUrl('approved', $response['payKey']);

return redirect($redirect_url);

Handling PayPal IPN

You can also handle Instant Payment Notifications from PayPal. Suppose you have set IPN URL to http://example.com/ipn/notify/ in PayPal. To handle IPN you should do the following:

  • First add the ipn/notify tp your routes file:

    Route::post('ipn/notify','PayPalController@postNotify'); // Change it accordingly in your application
  • Open App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken.php and add your IPN route to $excluded routes variable.

  • Then in the controller where you are handling IPN, write the following:

    // Put this above controller definition
    use Srmklive\PayPal\Traits\IPNResponse As PayPalIPN;
    // Then add the following before function declaration
    use PayPalIPN;
  • Write the following code in the function where you will parse IPN response:

     * Retrieve IPN Response From PayPal
     * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
    public function postNotify(Request $request)
        $response = $this->parsePayPalIPN($request);
        if ($response === 'VERIFIED') {                      
            // Your code goes here ...


This plugin only supports Laravel 5 or greater.

  • In case of any issues, kindly create one on the Issues section.
  • If you would like to contribute:
    • Fork this repository.
    • Implement your features.
    • Generate pull request.