
Rendi's Setup for Debian Linux

Primary LanguageShell

Matt's new rice void (Built upon Randi's)


NOTE: This is in progress - use at your own risk!

Setup my default install (practice on virtualbox)

Install debian os

Debian 11 version (code name "bullseye")

My setup is install debian minimal without GUI and used expert method.

$ sudo apt install git

$ git clone https://github.com/tallmtt/debian-post-install.git

$ cd debian-dwm

$ ./install.sh

Finish the setup

$ sudo reboot

That's it.

Installs and sets up:

  • File Manager: Ranger
  • ls replaced with exa
    • bashrc edits (add >> aliases for ls)
  • microcode (intel or amd)
  • Display Manager: LightDM
  • Window Manager: dwm
  • Terminal: st
  • Menu: dmenu
  • Browser: Firefox
  • Image browser: feh or nitrogen
  • neofetch
  • htop

Add to this:

  • emacs
  • wireguard
  • joplin
    • Script to download/update
    • Make quick script to run joplin appimage with "--no-sandbox" option
    • sudo ln -s /usr/local/android-studio/bin/studio.sh /usr/bin/android-studio
  • Virtualbox
  • gimp
  • picom
  • pandoc
  • neomutt
  • PCmanFM - File manager
  • keepassxc
  • nextcloud-desktop
  • Video and Audio Tools
    • ffmpeg
    • vlc
    • cmus (cli audio player)
    • qmmp (simple mp3 player)
    • lmms (digtal audio workstation)
    • flowblade
    • audacity
    • easytag
  • network-manager
  • LibreOffice
  • hledger
  • imagemagick
  • python stuff (using pipx):
    • pywal
      • sudo apt install python3-pip python3-venv
      • python3 -m pip install --user pipx
      • pipx ensurepath
      • pipx install pywal
    • lektor
      • pipx install lektor
    • jupyter-notebook
      • pipx install notebook
    • grip (for emacs)
      • python3 -m pip install grip


  • configs for dwm, st, dmenu, autostart, neomutt, wireguard
    • git for configs
    • set up symlinks for what are needed
  • Wallpaper images
    • git for my walls
    • ibis.jpg