one more thing... tor unix socket instead of TCP?
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TorControlPort: {
password: "", // default ControlPort password
host: "", // default address
port: 9051, // default ControlPort
Does Tor allow Unix Socket connections to be made instead of TCP. Read somewhere that sockets are something like 60% faster...
I don't know, possibly. However, I don't think that will be a significant bottleneck. The vast majority of latency will be due to network latency.
Kind of figured the is something I just changed in Express App, been wanting to do this for a while and I finally found the stackoverflow post...
NodeJS -> Unix socket -> NGINX
Here is what I did just now, only run Unix Socket on production only...
if(process.env.NODE_ENV) {
server.on('listening', ret => {
fs.chmodSync('/tmp/app.socket', '777')
return loadSockets()
server.listen(app.nconf.get('app:port'), '', ret => {
NGINX Config File
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass server unix:/tmp/app.socket;
Hmm, never tried that with NGINX.
I don't have any intelligent response without playing with it myself yet. Looks interesting though.
Alas I still don't think it will really improve performance unless you're hitting up to half of max theoretical LAN speeds. (Which is generally unlikely over the internet, especially through tor)
I am just a crazy optimization freak. I am reducing app memory usage and making tweaks everyday. I'd probably be filthy rich right now if I didn't spend so much time on these minor details. lol