- 15
- 1
- 0
V3 addresses
#74 opened by thefirst100yearsaredifficult - 7
- 5
- 8
Demo not working
#25 opened by davidrocket - 4
- 5
err: SocksClientError: Proxy connection timed out
#69 opened by Trard - 1
code: 404, err: SocksClientError: connect ECONNREFUSED - Are you running `tor`?
#68 opened by KeakaR - 7
security check
#61 opened by Agnostion - 2
tor request is not giving proper response for the below mentioned URL
#49 opened by PrasannaBrabourame - 4
Refresh session for the specific port
#59 opened by SashaDesigN - 3
[Feature] implement requestSync/torRequestSync
#46 opened by katalonne - 6
- 3
promise for request body
#47 opened by KingMatrix1989 - 1
[question] Publically available Tor clients?
#55 opened by ekkis - 2
Socks5 Connection rejection error
#54 opened by smetal1 - 4
Trying to run this on heroku dyno
#51 opened by CoinCoderBuffalo - 2
publically available Tor client
#50 opened by CoinCoderBuffalo - 16
- 2
#41 opened by DavideViolante - 3
- 11
invalid user/pass
#39 opened by ngouy - 4
Error: Received invalid Socks5 initial handshake (invalid socks version)
#38 opened by leonardorifeli - 1
Question Concerning Tor Client Node
#37 opened by itsMikeLowrey - 4
how to itterate over a list of urls
#36 opened - 2
multi instances of tor
#35 opened by TheServat - 14
- 4
- 1
pipe stream
#27 opened by knoxcard - 1
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
#24 opened by obiwankenoobi - 2
got some error
#20 opened by JustAzul - 2
- 1
NPM Warnings
#18 opened by knoxcard - 3
Multiple SOCKSPorts
#6 opened by kaue - 5
HTTP 503 status
#13 opened by dcromster - 3
setTorAddress won't change TOR IP?
#15 opened by mstrlaw - 3
Multi-threading possible?
#14 opened by aguyinmontreal - 3
- 8
Connection timeouts
#10 opened by ktkaushik - 3
- 2
Which SOCKS version does it use?
#8 opened by bezubaba - 1
Control Port authentication issue?
#4 opened by dapphp - 1
Error: [Error: Socket Closed]
#3 opened by 6pm - 2
pass options to request
#2 opened by thomasspiesser - 2
new session error
#1 opened by krll-k