
Notepad ++ Arduino CLI plugin

Primary LanguageC#

Code by: Tal Ofer (talofer99@hotmail.com) And thanks for the help of Tomer Zalach (tomer@katzr.net)

UPDATE (April 18th 2020) - I fixed the major bug and now the plugin is workign again. a chnage in the json format of the cli output was changed. As for the CLI 0.5.0 Commit: 3be2287 the code i working again. I started to work on some other stuff, so some output is done via the text box. Still the major functions work.

This is a plugin that allows you to upload code (only saved .ino files) to arduino It uses the Arduino-CLI 4 (only) in order to do so, and you got to have the cli on your PATH. The latest version can be downloaded at https://github.com/arduino/arduino-cli/releases/tag/0.4.0/

It is based on the C# template found here: https://github.com/kbilsted/NotepadPlusPlusPluginPack.Net/releases/

I only tested it on a 64bit 7.7.1 version of the Npp And only tested it on a Uno and a Mega with success so far. I did try on WEMOS LION 32 and it faile - planning to look into it soon.