
This is a standalone http proxy that caches connections to a server.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This is a standalone http proxy that caches connections to a server.

It is used for talon.one as a middleware to reduce latency to the talon.one api endpoint.


You find releases in Github Releases section.

Or you can use go install:

go install github.com/talon-one/talon-access-proxy/cmd/talon-access-proxy


# talon-access-proxy --help

talon-access-proxy is a proxy for the talon service api


    talon-access-proxy [option]

The options are:

    -h, --help         show this help
    -c, --config       specify the config file to use
    -p, --port         specify a port to listen on
    -a, --address      listen on this address (host:port), overrides --port
    -r, --root=/       specify a root path for this service
    -t, --talon=       specify the talon api url to use
    -v, --version      show the version

Environment settings:

You can set various environment variables in conjunction with the options, note that
options overwrite the corresponding environment variable.

    APP_CONFIG         specify the config file to use
    PORT               specify a port to listen on
    ADDRESS            listen on this address (host:port), overrides PORT
    APP_ROOT           specify a root path for this service

The config

The config specified with --config or APP_CONFIG can also be used to specify options

Sample Config:
        // Address to listen on
        "Address": ""

        // Root path
        "Root": "/"

        // Talon api
        "TalonAPI": "https://demo.talon.one"

        // DNS Server that should be used for lookups
        "DNSServer": ""

        // How many concurrent connections should be used
        "MaxConnections": 100

        // Application specific settings
        Application: {
            // Application with the ID 1
            "1": {
                // Calculate HMAC for each request
                "CalculateHMAC": false

                // Application Key (required for CalculateHMAC)
                ApplicationKey: "deadbeef"
        // Open a second instance
        "Address": ""
        "TalonAPI": "https://demo.talon.one"