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Open Tracing Tools. An Overview and Critical Comparison (the Replication Package)

Table of Contents


Distributed tracing can help to pinpoint where failures occur and what causes poor performance in the system. DevOps teams can monitor, debug and optimize their code of modern distributed software architectures, such as microservices or serverless functions. The publication "Open Tracing Tools. An Overview and Critical Comparison" provided an overview and performed a critical comparison of eleven Open Tracing Tools.

This replication package provides the necessary tools towards collecting and analyzing the "gray" literatures from popular sources, i.e., Medium, Dzone, and StackOverflow, as well as the raw data collected for this publication.

How To Reference this Project

Please cite as Open Tracing Tools. An Overview and Critical Comparison [1]

[1] To be updated when the submission is officially published.


  • DzoneURLs: For each open tracing tool, a list of article URLs from Dzone are saved in a separate .txt file with the tool name as the filename in this folder. For example, datadog.txt contains the URLs of all the Dzone articles regarding DataDog.
  • MediumRaw: For each open tracing tool, each article from Medium regarding it is saved as a separate .txt file with the tool name and an index together as the filename in this folder. For example, appdynamics-23.txt contains the 23rd article from Medium regarding AppDynamics.
  • TrainingData: The training data for classifying the informative and non-informative sentences using Naive Bayes Classifier. Therein, 1500 informative and 1500 non-informative sentences are manually labelled.
  • OutComes: The collected and organized textual data from each source.


How to Use

Step 0. Data Crawling

For crawling data from Medium, use the getArticleUrlListwithTag() function in mediumCrawler.py, if the tool name is archived as tag in Medium, e.g., 'datadog' as a tag. For the tool names that are not tags, the data can be extracted manually. To be noted, in the submission, Medium data was crawled manually.

For crawling data from Dzone, first manually extract the URL list of the target articles by searching from the Dzone website and save it as TXT with the title of the tool name. For example, the URL list of articles about 'Zipkin' is saved in zipkin.txt. Then use the fromtextlist2csv() function in dzoneCrawler.py to extract and format the data into CSV file.

For crawling data from Stack Overflow, use the getStackOverFlowDataset() function in stackoverflowCrawler.py to get the questions and answers data for a list of tools, whose names are the input of the function.

Step 1. Preprocessing

For the datasets crawled from different sources in OutComes, use the functions, getSentenceLevelDatasetAndTxtStackOverflow(), getSentenceLevelDatasetAndTxtMedium() and getSentenceLevelDatasetAndTxtDzone() to tokenize and organize the text data into sentence level.

Step 2. Filtering

To ease the testing and visualization process, the source code is drafted in Jupyter Notebook (i.e., filteringTopicModeling.ipynb) and was ran in Google Colaboratory. Use the manually labelled training data, informative.txt and noninformative.txt, class Semi_EM_MultinomialNB provides the EMNB model training function. MultinomialNB model training function is imported from sklearn.naive_bayes. Block [13] - [14] test and visualize the different sizes of train-test data and the according performances (generating Figure 5). Block [25] - [27] train the NB model and mark each sentence by either information (i.e., 1) or noninformative (i.e., 0).

Step 3. Topic Modeling

In the Block [40] of filteringTopicModeling.ipynb function compute_coherence_values() calculates the c_v coherence measure. Using the c_v coherence measure, function testTopicNumberK() in Block [49] tests the different numbers of topics, e.g., Block [54] calculates and visulize such outcomes, which is also the method to obtain Figure 6. With the detected topic number (i.e., 9 topics in this case), Block [90] trains the LDA model. The topic model is saved in TopicModel folder and can be used directly via gensim.models.LdaMulticore.load().

Step 4. Topic Mapping

Use function format_topics_sentences() in Block [117] in filteringTopicModeling.ipynb to detect the main topic for each sentence.

Step 5. Opinion Mining

Use function addsentimentvalues() in dataPreprocess.py to add sentiment score to each sentence in the input dataset. This step is parallel to the topic modeling and mapping therefore can also be done before those steps.

The final output dataset is *df_info_new_with_topics.csv, which contains all the informative sentences marked with sentiment score, main topic, source, and concerning tool. Use the function displayToolTopicSentiment() in topicCharts.py to visualize the results shown in Figure 8.

NOTE: Part of the source code will be refactored continuously for the ease-of-use in the future.