<html> <head> <title>Bombermaaan Readme</title> </head> <body> <h1>Bombermaaan Readme</h1> <h2>Copyright</h2> <pre> Bombermaaan is ... Copyright (C) 2000-2002, 2007 Thibaut Tollemer Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Bernd Arnold Copyright (C) 2008 Jerome Bigot Copyright (C) 2008 Markus Drescher </pre> <h2>License</h2> <pre> Bombermaaan is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Bombermaaan is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Bombermaaan. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. </pre> <h2>Introduction</h2> This is a version of Thibaut's Bombermaaan game project which started on July 2000. He didn't develop this project in order to bring new concepts of gameplay or to make the best Bomberman game ever but to increase his programming skills and have a game project he can show to be hired. <h2>History</h2> This program is still, and will always be under development. You can check the latest history of this project by browsing <a href="http://bombermaaan.sourceforge.net/">its website</a>. You'll be informed of what was changed, fixed, added, and removed in each version. <h2>System requirements</h2> <p> This program has been tested under Windows 95 OSR2, 98 PE/SE, 2000 and XP. </p> <p> It requires DirectX 7.0 or later to run. It is recommended you set your display to at least 16 bit color depth. A sound card is recommended. </p> <h2>Parameters and switches for Win32</h2> <p> When Bombermaaan is called without a command line parameter (started with mouse click for example), the game fetches level files from the directory <path-to-exe-file>\Levels. The configuration file named config.xml and log file named log.txt are read and/or written in the same folder where the called exe file resides. </p> <p> Since some Windows systems (Vista for example) don't allow the creation of files in the program's directory, Bombermaaan was modified so the dynamic files (config.xml and log.txt) are handled in a subfolder of the user's application data folder.<br /> You can use <kbd>echo %appdata%</kbd> in the command line to see where your application folder is placed. Bombermaaan creates a subfolder called "Bombermaaan". You can browse to this folder by running <kbd>%appdata%\Bombermaaan</kbd> or typing <kbd>start "%appdata%\Bombermaaan"</kbd> in a command line window.<br /> <strong>This behaviour is NOT enabled by default.</strong><br /> To enable the use of your %appdata% folder, append <kbd>--use-appdata-dir</kbd> when calling the Bombermaaan exe file.<br /> Users can store their own level files in the %appdata%\Bombermaaan\Levels directory. These files are also loaded as level files. So there is no need to touch the program files directory. Remember: this behaviour is enabled when the <kbd>--use-appdata-dir</kbd> parameter is used. </p> <p> You can call Bombermaaan with the <kbd>--help</kbd> switch to see a message box with copyright and license notice. </p> <h2>Parameters and switches for Linux</h2> <p> When Bombermaaan is called without a command line parameter (started with mouse click for example), the game fetches level files from the directory <path-to-executable-file>\Levels. The configuration file named config.xml and log file named log.txt are read and/or written in your home folder <code>~/.Bombermaaan</code>. <br /> Users can store their own level files in the ~\.Bombermaaan\Levels directory. These files are also loaded as level files. So there is no need to touch the folder where the executable files are stored. </p> <p> If you don't like this behavior you can pass the <kbd>--ignore-home-dir</kbd> switch to the executable.<br /> <strong>This behaviour is NOT enabled by default.</strong><br /> To enable the use of the local folder, append <kbd>--ignore-home-dir</kbd> when calling the Bombermaaan executable file. </p> <p> You can call Bombermaaan with the <kbd>--help</kbd> switch to see a message box with copyright and license notice. </p> <h2>Controls</h2> <pre> During a match : - Here are the configurations : Keyboard 1 (Default) : 8/5/4/6 + PageUp/Home Keyboard 2 (Default) : R/F/D/G + 2/1 Keyboard 3 (Default) : I/K/J/L + 8/7 Keyboard 4 (Default) : H/N/B/M + 5/4 Keyboard 5 (Default) : Up/Down/Left/Right + RightControl/RightShift Joystick X (Default) : Up/Down/Left/Right + Button1/Button2 - On your configuration : - Up/Down/Left/Right : make your bomber move - Action 1 : drop a bomb if possible, or lift the bomb you are onto. hold Action 1 to hold the bomb. release Action 1 to throw the bomb. - Action 2 : stop a bomb you kicked that is still rolling, or punch a bomb that is right in front of you, or remote fuse a bomb. - Escape : pause the match and make the menu box appear - P : pause or resume In the menu screens : - Up/Down............... : select another field to modify - Left/Right............ : change value of current field - Backspace............. : previous screen - Return/Space bar/Enter : next screen In the menu box : - Arrows................ : change between yes or no - Return/Space bar/Enter : validate choice - Escape................ : make the menu box disappear and resume the match Anywhere in the game : - F1...... : set 320x240 display mode (not available in 32-pixels version) - F2...... : set 512x384 display mode (not available in 32-pixels version) - F3...... : set 640x480 display mode - F4...... : set windowed display mode - Ctrl+F12 : quickly exit the game without confirmation Please note that the display mode you chose may be unavailable on your computer. The program will not change the display mode if this one is unavailable. </pre> <h2>Credits</h2> <p> Bombermaaan is using TinyXML from <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/tinyxml">https://sourceforge.net/projects/tinyxml</a>. </p> <p> Bombermaaan is using <a href="http://www.doxygen.org/index.html">Doxygen</a> for <a href="http://bombermaaan.sourceforge.net/doxydoc/html/">documentation</a> purposes. </p> <p> Bombermaaan is using SimpleIni from <a href="http://code.jellycan.com/simpleini/">http://code.jellycan.com/simpleini/</a>. </p> <h2>Project host</h2> The Bombermaaan project is hosted on SourceForge.net. <h2>News</h2> <p> Check <a href="http://bombermaaan.sourceforge.net/">http://bombermaaan.sourceforge.net/</a> for the latest news. </p> </body> </html>