ML Monitor

This codebase builds on the original ML_monitor as presented in This repository work on local installation of Python only and DOES NOT Support Colab at the moment.



  1. Clone and enter the repository
git clone
cd ML-Monitoring-with-Grafana
  1. Install package using pip
pip install .
  1. Install and Setup docker
sudo snap install docker
sudo apt install docker-compose

This process will set up the docker image that houses the Grafana Dashboad!

Processing (shown in the video)

  1. Enable docker using the command
cd docker
sudo docker-compose up
  • docker directory contains an easy setup of tools used for metrics visualization and analysis. These are Prometheus and Grafana. You should firstly start these programs, with docker-compose up command. Now you should be able to reach the Grafana admin panel on http://localhost:3000.
  • Logging in for the first time use username: admin, password: ml_monitor
  1. To set up the ml_monitor sensing through post 9090, open a separate terminal and enter the following:
import ml_monitor

You will get a message that a Prometheus UI should be reachable on http://localhost:9090.

  1. Setup Jupyter notebook and open the file "ML_minitoring_Grafana.ipynb" Run this file. The first part will train the model and in the end random test samples will be generated to mimic a production setup. Increase the number of "epochs" to run for a longer Production-like setup

  2. Open the Grafana dashboard at http://localhost:3000 and monitor the "n_rmse" metric.

Congratulations, now you know how to monitor metrics at production time!