
End-to-end ML project that show cases model training, model deployment to Azure, CICD & MLOps using Docker and Github Actions.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

End-to-end machine learning using FastAPI, Streamlit, Docker, GitHub Actions, Microsoft AZURE and EvidentlyAI

The Objective of the ML model is to predict a credit score fro historical loan application data to predict whether or not an applicant will be able to repay a loan.

We will create a model to predict credit scores and deploy that model as an API using FastAPI and use Streamlit to create a WebAPP. We use Github Actions to facilitate and automatize DevOps and MLOps (CI/CD).

Tech Stack:

VS Code — as the IDE of choice.
pipenv — to handle package dependencies, create virtual environments, and load environment variables.
FastAPI — Python API development framework for ML deployment Uvicorn — ASGI server for FastAPI app.
Docker Desktop — build and run Docker container images on our local machine. (MacOS 11)
Containers are an isolated environment to run any code
Azure Container Registry — repository for storing our container image in Azure cloud.
Azure App Service — PaaS service to host our FastAPI app server.
Github Actions — automate continuous deployment workflow of model serving through FastAPI and dashboarding through Streamlit app.
Streamlit - Dashboard
PyTest - Testing of Web APP functionality through EvidentlyAI - Data Drift detection

Outline of Readme

We will cover in the readme the below concepts:

  1. How to create dockerfile for ML API deployment using FastAPI?
  2. How to run different docker commands to build, run and debug and
  3. How to push docker image to Github using Github Actions
  4. How to test ML API endpoint which is exposed by the running ML API docker container?

The data

The data is provided by Home Credit.

Project setup

Create project folder and start Visual Studio Code

Open a terminal

mkdir project_name
cd project_name
code .

Pipenv environment

Install pipenv

sudo -H pip install -U pipenv
pipenv install fastapi uvicorn

Hosting with Microsoft AZURE

The backend with Streamlit

The frontend with FastAPI
