
Tensor parallelism demo using a toy model trained on a regression task.

Primary LanguagePython

Tensor Parallelism in a Toy Model

I train a toy model (3 linear layers with a ReLU between the first and second) to understand tensor parallelism better. I train it on a regression task on a synthetic dataset across 2 GPUs. I MOSTLY use code from the amazing Megatron repo. I've made the code easy to follow but that's mainly because I stripped away details. Interested readers may refer to page 3 of my notes for the Megatron paper to understand how tensor parallelism works in the first two layers of my model. My parallelized Toy Model look like this:

Figure: Adapted from Fig. 3(a) of the Megatron-LM Paper. I use ReLU and don't use Dropout.


Prepare synthetic data for the regression task:

python prepare_data.py 

Train the "non-parallel" version of the ToyModel:

bash bash_train.sh

Train the tensor-parallel version of the ToyModel:

bash bash_parallel_train.sh


You'll see that the training loss curves match for the tensor-parallel version and the "non-parallel" version. There is some work to be done around syncing random number generation on multiple GPUs for tensor-parallel, but to keep it simple, in this repo I have initialized all weight matrices using a simple deterministic scheme.

Here is the train-loss curve for "non-parallel":

For tensor-parallel training:

Note that we see the same loss on both GPUs (ranks 0 and 1) because the same regression labels are sent to both devices, and also there is a reduction step which makes sure model output on both devices is the same (refer to page 3 of my Megatron-LM notes).