DDD/Clean Architecture inspired boilerplate for Node web APIs
- 7
RBAC implementation
#97 opened by alekye - 1
Implement authentication with JWT
#92 opened by talyssonoc - 2
Extract REPL integration to _lib folder
#91 opened by talyssonoc - 2
Cleanup script
#90 opened by talyssonoc - 2
GraphQL working example
#89 opened by talyssonoc - 0
Fastify working example
#88 opened by talyssonoc - 0
Elegant way of implementing listeners
#46 opened by gijswijs - 0
Add links to recommended content
#27 opened by talyssonoc - 1
Upgrade Sequelize to v4
#5 opened by talyssonoc - 0
Add transactionId to the logger
#25 opened by talyssonoc - 0
Dev Environment not starting up
#80 opened by KALU-KELECHI-GABRIEL - 3
use Heroku database in development
#64 opened by lasharela - 0
Login/Logout Acceptance test
#76 opened by And7ew - 0
- 1
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Object.defineProperty called on non-object
#69 opened by AryanChothani - 0
- 3
Can we use mongoDB?
#66 opened by ajayexpert - 1
- 0
How can I use mysql instead of Postgres ?
#62 opened by shivam8800 - 1
Middleware before API routes
#52 opened by abelptvts - 1
- 4
An folder structure example needed
#50 opened by moda20 - 5
how would a Mapper support relationships?
#39 opened by LiranBri - 1
How to deal with association many to many ?
#41 opened by postel5u - 0
How reliable is the code for Production ?
#42 opened by s8sachin - 0
- 3
what is the use of dependency injection on repositories when we need to beforehand declare and inject those dependencies
#51 opened by moda20 - 0
Time field cannot be queried.
#49 opened by Lninn - 1
Didn't see service, repository, usecases
#48 opened by mrdulin - 1
- 1
Promises vs EventEmitter
#44 opened by lughino - 2
- 4
How can i create the method patch ?
#33 opened by coolirisroto - 1
- 0
nodemon restart loop from file changes
#35 opened by cuylerquint - 2
Implements Swagger
#30 opened by iagocavalcante - 1
Injecting Domain models
#29 opened by aarontropy - 2
Folders structure
#28 opened by duard - 1
await till database is clean
#18 opened by handmilkingsoftware - 1
Ensure strict mode in every single JS file
#23 opened by allaudet - 0
Use serializers for the responses
#14 opened by talyssonoc - 3
Complete tutorial please for the best practice of PUT, DESTROY, and SHOW methods ?
#7 opened by fatkhanfauzi - 1
Problem with async
#17 opened by iagocavalcante - 0
Separate API tests from unit tests
#15 opened by talyssonoc - 0
Use NYC instead of Istanbul for coverage
#12 opened by talyssonoc - 0
Add .nvmrc with correct Node version
#10 opened by talyssonoc