
Get Set Push Stream value on Firebase via ESP32

Primary LanguageC++


Get Set Push Stream value on Firebase via ESP32. the function compatible with firebase-arduino except stream feature and now Cloud Messaging not support.

Device Support

This list device support and tested then worked.

  • NodeMCU-32S



Read value from object in firebase. And support data type int float String bool and JsonObject via function type get[type](String path) or void get(String path, [type] &value)

int getInt(String path) ;
float getFloat(String path) ;
String getString(String path) ;
bool getBool(String path) ;
void get(String path, int &value) ;
void get(String path, float &value) ;
void get(String path, String &value) ;
void get(String path, bool &value) ;
JsonVariant get(String path) ;


digitalWrite(LED_PIN, Firebase.getInt("/led"));


Set value in object. Support data type int float String bool and JsonObject via function void set[type](String path, [type] value) or void set(String path, [type] value)

void setInt(String path, int value) ;
void setFloat(String path, float value, int point = 2) ;
void setString(String path, String value) ;
void setBool(String path, bool value) ;
void set(String path, int value) ;
void set(String path, float value, int point = 2) ;
void set(String path, String value) ;
void set(String path, bool value) ;
void set(String path, JsonVariant value) ;


Firebase.set("/led", digitalRead(BTN1));


If you use push. The value add to child node in object. Support data type int float String bool and JsonObject via function void push[type](String path, [type] value) or void push(String path, [type] value)

String pushInt(String path, int value) ;
String pushFloat(String path, float value, int point = 2) ;
String pushBool(String path, bool value) ;
String pushString(String path, String value) ;
String push(String path, int value) ;
String push(String path, float value, int point = 2) ;
String push(String path, String value) ;
String push(String path, bool value) ;
String push(String path, JsonVariant value) ;


Firebase.push("/log/temp", dht11.read());


Real time get event and data update in some object. In esp32 support multitasking via FreeRTOS so in void loop() not have Firebase.available(). If new event or data update the callback function auto cell and you can get detail via FirebaseStream class

void stream(String path, StreamHandlerCallback callback) ;
void stopStream() ;

FirebaseStream class

String getEvent() ;
String getPath() ;
int getDataInt() ;
float getDataFloat() ;
String getDataString() ;
float getDataBool() ;
void getData(int &value) ;
void getData(float &value) ;
void getData(String &value) ;
void getData(bool &value) ;
JsonVariant getData() ;


Firebase.stream("", [](FirebaseStream stream) {
  if (stream.getEvent() == "put" && stream.getPath() == "/led") {
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, stream.getDataInt());

Full Example


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