The Batch Translator is a CLI tool for translating text files. The primary intended audience is OSS development project members who need to translate the README or documentation. The main usage is as follows.
- Translation of a single file, such as README. md
- Bulk translation of files with a specific extension under the directory, such as AsciiDoctor ( - based documents)
The following software is required to run the Batch Translator :
- Java 11+
- Maven 3.6 + for use as Maven Plugin
Run the Batch Translator as a Java command or as a Maven Plugin.
- Create API Key (Create #API Key)
- Run as a Java Command or as a Maven Plugin
The Batch Translator uses "Minna no Hon' yaku @ TexTra ®" as its translation engine. To use the translation function, create an account at the following site.
After you create the account, click the Settings Page (in, save the user ID, API KEY, and API SECRET in the sit-at. properties file.
Create a directory named. sitoolkit under the user home directory and save the sit-at. properties file there.
- Windows
mkdir %USERPROFILE%\.sitoolkit
notepad %USERPROFILE%\.sitoolkit\
- macOs
mkdir ~/.sitoolkit
nano ~/.sitoolkit/
curl -o sit-bt-core-0.9.jar
java -jar sit-bt-core-0.9.jar -m Mode target
Example 1) Command to translate README _ ja. md from Japanese to English and to output to README. md
java -jar sit-bt-core-0.9.jar -m ja2en
Example 2) Command to translate all files with adoc extension under docs directory from Japanese to English and output to docs/en directory
java -jar sit-bt-core-0.9.jar -m ja2en -p *.adoc docs:docs/en
Add the Batch Traslator Maven Plugin to pom. xml.
- pom.xml
mvn sit-bt:translate -Dmode=ja2en
If you have a bug or feature request related to the Batch Translator, please issue an issue to
The Batch Translator is exposed at Apache Lisence 2.0.