
Primary LanguageJava


Batch Translator

The Batch Translator is a CLI tool for translating text files. The primary intended audience is OSS development project members who need to translate the README or documentation. The main usage is as follows.

  • Translation of a single file, such as README. md
  • Bulk translation of files with a specific extension under the directory, such as AsciiDoctor (https://asciidoctor.org/) - based documents)


Execution Environment

The following software is required to run the Batch Translator :

  • Java 11+
  • Maven 3.6 + for use as Maven Plugin


Run the Batch Translator as a Java command or as a Maven Plugin.

  1. Create API Key (Create #API Key)
  2. Run as a Java Command or as a Maven Plugin

Creating an API Key

The Batch Translator uses "Minna no Hon' yaku @ TexTra ®" as its translation engine. To use the translation function, create an account at the following site.


After you create the account, click the Settings Page (in https://mt-auto-minhon-mlt.ucri.jgn-x.jp/content/setting/user/edit/), save the user ID, API KEY, and API SECRET in the sit-at. properties file.

Create a directory named. sitoolkit under the user home directory and save the sit-at. properties file there.

  • Windows
mkdir %USERPROFILE%\.sitoolkit
notepad %USERPROFILE%\.sitoolkit\sit-bt.properties
  • macOs
mkdir ~/.sitoolkit
nano ~/.sitoolkit/sit-bt.properties
  • sit-at.properties

Run with Java commands

curl -o sit-bt-core-0.9.jar https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/sitoolkit/bt/sit-bt-core/0.9/sit-bt-core-0.9.jar

java -jar sit-bt-core-0.9.jar -m Mode target

Example 1) Command to translate README _ ja. md from Japanese to English and to output to README. md

java -jar sit-bt-core-0.9.jar -m ja2en README_ja.md:README.md

Example 2) Command to translate all files with adoc extension under docs directory from Japanese to English and output to docs/en directory

java -jar sit-bt-core-0.9.jar -m ja2en -p *.adoc docs:docs/en

Run as Maven Plugin

Add the Batch Traslator Maven Plugin to pom. xml.

  • pom.xml
mvn sit-bt:translate -Dmode=ja2en -Dtarget=README_ja.md:README.md

bug reports, feature requests

If you have a bug or feature request related to the Batch Translator, please issue an issue to https://github.com/sitoolkit/sit-bt/issues).


The Batch Translator is exposed at Apache Lisence 2.0.