- 0
Error about BatchNorm2dSync for 1d input in eval model, but I can use this BatchNorm2dSync for 1d input in train model
#9 opened by XiwuChen - 2
- 2
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['which', 'c++']' returned non-zero exit status 1
#7 opened by koncle - 0
support for fp16
#12 opened by antorsae - 0
Please make this into a pip package.
#10 opened by ericlearning - 0
Does this support 3dBN?
#8 opened by zyl1336110861 - 0
I get stuck after several iterations
#6 opened by gakkiri - 0
- 13
Gpu memory problem. In training phase, it will gradually occupy all the gpu memory.
#1 opened by weitaoatvison - 0
RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation
#4 opened by ElbertFang - 1
Torch 1.0.1 compatibility
#3 opened by sunggukcha - 0
Can it use in 3d?
#2 opened by wangxiaodong1021