
Firefox Listen Backend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FxListen Backend


The FxListen backend is powered by the Serverless Framework. The application makes use of the following AWS services:

Each service makes use of @fxlisten/core, a private npm module and shared library stored in the "core" folder.

Local Development

  1. Install Node.js.

Download: http://nodejs.org/download/

  1. Install The Serverless Framework.
$ npm install serverless -g
  1. Install project dependencies. Each service is a stand-alone Node.js application. Currently, the "api" folder contains all services. To install npm dependencies for each services, cd into the api/[service] folder and type the following:
$ npm install

Configuring AWS credentials

Before working with serverless, you'll need to create an IAM user on AWS with admin access. Then run the following command:

serverless config credentials --provider aws --key <your-aws-key> --secret <your-aws-secret> 

Running Local Environment via Serverless Offline

To start a services, cd into the service's folder and type:

$ npm start

Deploying Manually

To deploy services to AWS, cd into each service's folder and type:

$ npm run deploy

Undeploying Manually

To undeploy the backend from AWS, cd into each service's folder and type:

$ npm run undeploy

Pushing Code

Before submitting pull requests, run the following command to beautify your code:

npm run prettier:write

Continuous Integration

Our continuous integration pipeline runs on Seed.