
Angular 2 TodoMVC application in ES6.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Angular 2 ES6 TodoMVC

Dependency Status devDependency Status

TodoMVC application built with Angular 2 ES6. To get an insight how it works Colin Eberhardt's tutorial gives a good starting point. The structure of the project comes from a starter pack.

Concepts it covers

  • Creating @Component with directives (ngIf, ngFor).
  • Creating child @Component and communicating with parent (@Input, @Output).
  • Using Dependency Injection for service.
  • Use @Pipe inside @Component.
  • Routing.

Quick Start

git clone https://github.com/blacksonic/angular2-es6-todomvc.git
cd angular2-es6-todomvc
npm install

gulp serve

Open it in your browser http://localhost:9000.

Deployment (to Heroku)

gulp dist

cd dist
git init
git add -A .
git commit -m "Deploy #1" && echo Committed
git push -f git@heroku.com:angular2-es6-todomvc.git master

Check out the deployed version.