Some tips for setting up development enviromnent.
It doesn't matter what you use: Mac or Windows. Vim or Emacs. Tabs or spaces. JavaScript or TypeScript even PHP. If all the options didn't have merit, there wouldn't be an argument. This list is not meant to be an endorsement for or against anything, just one person's web development workflow. Learn. Be open minded. Try new things. Research. Discover what works best for you. This is not an extensive list, this is my list.
- Operating System
- Usefull Applications
- Terminal
- Node
- Browser
- Editor/IDE
My machine is fully encrypted and i also upload all my important documents to the cloud.
I use: macOS (Apple)
- Amphetamine - keep-awake app
- Time out - break reminder
- CopyClip - clipboard management
- Hand Mirror - one click camera check
My zsh plugins: git node yarn npm ng kubectl nx-completion
Other Options: Windows Terminal, Terminator or hyper
Command line fuzzy finder: fzf
I prefer n over nvm, becouse our global modules remanin installed when you update the node version.
I use: Google Chrome and Brave or Firefox Development Edition
Other Options: Firefox, Opera, Safari (Mac only), Edge
- Octolinker - navigate on github
- uBlock Origin - block ads.
- JSON View - format JSON files.
- Sight - add syntax highlighting to files.
- Stylish - add stylesheets to websites.
- Awesome Screenshot Capture - take screenshots of websites.
- Initab - clean new tab page.
- Angular DevTools - best for track change detection
- Read Medium for free
- Session Buddy
- Wordtune
- Funkify – Disability Simulator
My webstorm plugins
Vim setup with awesome_vimrc