An NX monorepo using webpack module federation for developing micro-frontends that can be deployed independently.
- API Data: The backend service stores data (like users or employees), and can return them on request.
- API Filter: The backend of this service can provide filters for the data API
- Frontend Data: The front-end of this service is responsible for displaying all information regarding the data. Selection criteria will be communicated from another service.
- Frontend Filter: Provides a select to load and present the data
- Shell: This is the host service which contains the Data and Filter frontends
- Employee library: Contains most of the employee related frontend logic
- Shares libraries: Common components, stores and interfaces
- Nx Build framework used to create project workspace
- React A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Express Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework
- Nanostores State manager for React/RN/Preact/Vue/Svelte with many atomic tree-shakable stores
- Cypress E2E testing framework
npm i
to install dependenciesnpm start
start frontend dev server onhttp://localhost:4200/
npm test
run unit tests
npm test
run jest unit testsnpm run e2e
run cypress e2e tests
- Monorepo shared libraries etc. makes for tidier code
- Cypress stores test screenshot in
- Status: Working.
- To-Do: Create more tests and organize files better
- Dreevo: Angular Production - Build, Test & Deploy a Full Stack Application using Nx - Part I
- Dynamic micro frontends with Nx and React
- Nx Faster Builds with Module Federation
- Repo created by TamΓ‘s Csaba