
Compiles your TS app and restarts when files are modified.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Tweaked version of node-dev that uses ts-node under the hood.

It restarts target node process when any of required files changes (as standard node-dev) but shares Typescript compilation process between restarts. This significantly increases speed of restarting comparing to node-dev -r ts-node/register ..., nodemon -x ts-node ... variations because there is no need to instantiate ts-node compilation each time.


yarn add ts-node-dev
npm i ts-node-dev

ts-node dependency version is not fixed, so it will install the latest version by default.


ts-node-dev [node-dev|ts-node flags] [ts-node-dev flags] [script] [script arguments]

So you just combine node-dev and ts-node options (see docs of those packages):

ts-node-dev --respawn --transpileOnly server.ts

Also there are additional options specific to ts-node-dev:

  • --prefer-ts (default: false) - for each .js file (that is not in node_modules) will try to check if corresponding .ts version exists and require it.
  • --ignore-watch (default: []) - files/folders to be ignored by node-dev. But also this behaviour enhanced: it will also make up new RegExp of passed ignore string and check absolute paths of required files for match. So, to ignore everthing in node_modules, just pass --ignore-watch node_modules

NB! --ignore-watch will NOT affect files ignored by TS compilation. Use --ignore option (or TS_NODE_IGNORE env variable) to pass RegExp strings for filtering files that should not be compiled, by default /node_modules/ are ignored.


The good thing is that ts-node-dev watches used tsconfig.json file, and will reinitialize compilation on its change, but you have to restart the process manually when you update used version of typescript or make any other changes that may effect compilation results.
