
dev-server environment and core app for quick-start prototyping ideas

Primary LanguageHTML

a dev-server environment and core app for quick-start prototyping ideas

-- using babelify, babel-preset-es2015, lite-server, npm-run-all (cross-browser)

1.clone git to desired location and run cli command

npm init -y

2.install npm module dependencies

npm install

3.using package.json scripts::

RUN the app in dev MODE with a web-server in the browser --> run cli command

npm run dev

BUILD final app -- using BROWSERIFY [es2015 babel preset] and UGLIFY to target>>> './static folder'

npm run build

BUILD app for debug -- using BROWSERIFY [es2015 babel preset] to target>>> './static folder'

npm run build_debug

4.If not already running in the browser go to URL



compile modular code into bundle.js *

browserify -t brfs main.js > bundle.js

var fs = require('fs'); var src = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/file.txt');

then do:

browserify -t brfs main.js > bundle.js

and src will be set to the contents of file.txt at compile time.