
Lightweight helper for working with URLs in javascript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What is this?

This is a lightweight helper for working with URLs in javascript.

##How to use it

1. Get/Set the base url
The base url is detected automatically. However, if you want to use a custom base url, use this function as a setter.

URLTo.base(); -> http://www.example.com

2. Create absolute url to a page

URLTo.page("about"); -> http://www.example.com/about
URLTo.page("$1/$2", ["josh", "profile"]) -> http://www.example.com/josh/profile
URLTo.page("products/:product_id/show", {":product_id": 1234}) -> http://www.example.com/products/1234/show

3. Create absolute url to an API endpoint

URLTo.api("users/$1", [1234]); -> http://www.example.com/api/users/1234
URLTo.api("users/:user_id", {":user_id": 1234}); -> http://www.example.com/api//users/1234

4. Get/Set API endpoint url

URLTo.apiBase(); -> http://www.example.com/api

5. Build a url

URLTo.build("http://www.example.com", "$1/$2", ["josh", "profile"]) -> http://www.example.com/josh/profile
URLTo.build(http://www.example.com, "products/:product_id/show", {":product_id": 1234}) -> http://www.example.com/products/1234/show    


Licensed under the MIT License.