Exploring Golang Modules with Programmer Zaman Now

Welcome to the repository for "Golang Modules," the next phase of my Golang learning journey with Programmer Zaman Now. In this repository, I will document my progress as I delve into Golang Modules, a critical topic for developing scalable and maintainable Go applications.

Golang Modules

Table of Contents


This repository serves as a personal log and learning journal as I explore Golang Modules, a vital aspect of modern Go development. I aim to document my insights, share code samples, and engage with the community as I progress through the course.

Learning Path

I will maintain a record of my progress and accomplishments throughout the course:

  • Module 1: Introduction to Golang Modules: An overview of Golang Modules and their importance.
  • Module 2: Creating and Managing Modules: Setting up, creating, and managing modules.
  • Module 3: Dependency Management: Understanding dependencies and managing them.
  • Module 4: Publishing Modules: Sharing your modules with the Go community.
  • Module 5: Best Practices: Learning best practices for Golang Modules.
  • Module 6: Real-world Applications: Applying Golang Modules to practical projects.

Additional Resources

In addition to the official course materials, I will compile a list of external resources that have been particularly beneficial for my learning journey. These may include articles, videos, and supplementary learning materials.


I am open to contributions from the community. If you spot errors or have suggestions for improving my code, documentation, or insights, please submit a pull request. Your input and collaboration are greatly appreciated.


The content in this repository is licensed under the MIT License. You are encouraged to use and adapt the materials while acknowledging my ongoing learning journey.

Thank you for joining me as I explore the world of Golang Modules with Programmer Zaman Now!