
My solution to the nbody problem including support for MPI with visuals done in SDL

Primary LanguageC

All dependancies are included under libs with the exception of MPI.

The output of the eight body run is located in the file eightoutput.txt.
That includes 8 bodies on one processor with 100 ticks

Pictures are in the screenshots/ folder with varius confiurations.

To run without a display and without MPI the first edit the header file
nbody.h and set DISPLAY_ON to false and MPI_ON to false. Compile with :

$ make clean; make

then run with :


You can adjust the number of bodies and the amount of time in the header 
file also.

To run with MPI set MPI_ON in nbody.h to true then:

$ make clean; make;

and run



$ mpiexec -n 16 -hostfile hostfile ./bin/nbody

----------------====== Benchmark results: ======-----------------

My results weren't as successful as the cluster was in use at the time.

8 bodies, 1 process 100 ticks --
real    0m0.131s
user    0m0.009s
sys     0m0.010s

8 bodies, 8 processes, 100 ticks --
real    0m1.191s
user    0m0.140s
sys     0m0.133s

800 bodies, 1 process, 100 ticks --
real    0m4.558s
user    0m4.431s
sys     0m0.009s

800 bodies, 4 processes, 100 ticks --
real    0m6.991s
user    0m14.813s
sys     0m0.669s

800 bodies, 16 processes, 100 ticks --
real    0m7.385s
user    0m14.286s
sys     0m8.320s

800 bodies, 1 process, 1000 ticks --
real    0m44.676s
user    0m44.476s
sys     0m0.024s

800 bodies, 16 process, 1000 ticks --
real    0m59.973s
user    2m22.241s
sys     1m16.705s

Someone else is using the cluster at this time. Sunday afternoon / night.
The cluster goes faster however only at times. Seeing as the host computer 
doesn't actually do any processing for the cluster, it appears to get better
results. I can only conclude from my results that the parallel computing on negitivily reflects my results.