IoT Engineering

Hands-on of lesson 12

For slides and example code, see lesson 12

Note: Do not work on this repository right away.
Check existing forks to find the specific repository for your class.

a) Raspberry Pi GPIO, 15'

b) Edge gateways, 10'

  • Chose one of the edge gateway projects and analyse it.
  • Which protocol is used to transmit data to the cloud?
  • How are updates deployed to the gateway, by whom?
  • How can a proprietary local protocol be integrated?
  • Be prepared to present your results.

c) Embedded ML use cases, 10'

  • Assuming devices can know your face, voice, mood.
  • Which new use cases become possible with edge ML?
  • Try to take a "thing centered" perspective, as a device.
  • Be prepared to present your results.