
This is a test for Software Engineer posittion in Dealls.com

Primary LanguageGo

Dealls Dating App Backend Service

Study Case for creating backend service for a dating app

How to run

Steps to build and run the service

1. Build the project

Run this command to build the project into a single library

make build

2. Local stack deployment

Run this command to deploy the local stack (Postgre and Redis)

make local-deploy

3. Migration

Due to time constraints, the migration system is not finalyzed, you can manually create and seed the table by executing SQL from file scripts/migrations/tables.sql

4. Run the service

Run this command to run the service, the HTTP port is at :8000


Tech stack

List of tech stack that is used for this project

1. PostgreSQL

As the main database to store data

2. Redis

As a cache for frequently accessed data

3. Docker

For deploying and running the service