Phylogeny workflows
(First time only)
Download and install miniconda3:
For Linux:
wget bash
Clone workflow to the directory where you wish to run the pipeline:
git clone
Create the new conda environment:
cd phylogeny_workflows conda env create -f envs/environment.yaml
Conda env can be updates as follows:
conda env update -f envs/environment.yaml
(Every time)
Activate the environment:
source activate ftools
Input files
- Reference genome assembly in fasta format
- Two or more short read datasets in fastq format (paired- or single-end)
Config file
You must update the config.yaml file to include the filepaths to your reference genome assembly, a list of samples, and the directory containing the input samples.
If your reads are paired-end, params 'reads1' and 'reads2' should point to directories with forward and reverse reads respectively. If working with single-end or interleaved files, point to those in 'reads1' and leave 'reads2' blank.
Running phylogeny workflow
Run as follows:
snakemake ref.tree -s Snakefile --configfile config.yaml --restart-times 1 --profile scg -j 999 --rerun-incomplete --latency-wait 10