
Comic reader for smartphone browsers, optimized for handheld screens & 3G/slow connection

Primary LanguageHTML



  • Pre-load/render next page
  • Hold to popup chapters selection
  • Touch to scroll
|         | to      |         |
|         | top     |         |
|         +---------+         |
|          scroll up          |
+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+
|                             |
|                             |
|          scroll down (*)    |
|                             |
|                             |
|         +---------+         |
|         | to (*)  |         |
|         | bottom  |         |
(*) next chap if at bottom of the page

Let starts

Init a new hugo site using after-dark theme

hugo new site doctruyen
cd doctruyen
git init .
git submodule add -f https://git.habd.as/comfusion/after-dark.git themes/after-dark

Better Portable Graphics

BPG is smaller and better then WebP, JPG ... See comparisions

brew info libbpg
# -> found "--with-jctvc" option (Enable built-in JCTVC encoder - Mono threaded, slower but produce smaller file) https://hevc.hhi.fraunhofer.de/
brew search libbpg
brew install libbpg --with-jctvc

git clone https://github.com/mirrorer/libbpg.git
cd libbpg
git checkout 47f4357d6d36e21c5f0949314dcf9d2ecbf8012f
# -> HEAD is now at 47f4357 0.9.6
make install prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/libbpg/0.9.8 CONFIG_APPLE=y USE_JCTVC=y

# https://github.com/def-/libbpg/issues/2
brew reinstall libbpg --with-jctvc
brew install imagemagick
convert 2.jpg -resize 680 2.png
bpgenc -e jctvc -o 2.bpg 2.png

WebP Image Format

brew install webp
cd doctruyen/content/yeu-than-ky/chapter-1/
convert 600d71ef5e7058d695681a8c8be84df5.jpg -resize 680 600d71ef5e7058d695681a8c8be84df5.png
bpgenc -e jctvc -q 32 600d71ef5e7058d695681a8c8be84df5.png
cwebp -q 80 600d71ef5e7058d695681a8c8be84df5.png -o 600d71ef5e7058d695681a8c8be84df5.webp
ls -lh 600d71ef5e7058d695681a8c8be84df5.* out.*
# webp-q-60: 101K, webp-q-80: 128K, bpg-q-35: 52K, bpg-q-32: 67K, bpg-q-29: 83K, jpg: 839K
  • BPG is around %50 smaller than WebP
  • WebP encoder is 50-100 times faster than BPG


Limitation (link here)

  • Mobile Safari: 50MB
  • Chrome, Opera, and Samsung Internet: Up to quota

=> Good for offline UX, for caching a lot of images export a download list then import to downloaders

Android images downloaders / bpg viewers

Try Djvu for scanned images

Typical DjVu file sizes are as follows:

  • bitonal scanned documents: 5 to 30KB per page at 300dpi (3 to 10 times smaller than PDF or TIFF)
  • color scanned documents: 30 to 100KB per page at 300dpi (5 to 10 times smaller than JPEG).
brew search djvu
# ==> Formulae: djvu2pdf djvulibre minidjvu
# djvulibre: primary DjVu support library
# minidjvu: command line utility which encodes and decodes single page black-and-white DjVu files
brew install djvulibre
brew cask install djview
wget http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-o1AISH0SJ18/WGriT9vRI-I/AAAAAAAABw8/vx4mx6RPyII/s0/22.jpg
convert 22.jpg -resize 680 22.jpg
c44 22.jpg
convert 22.jpg 22.png
bpgenc -e jctvc -q 32 -o 22.bpg 22.png
cwebp -q 60 22.png -o 22.webp
# djvu: 167k, bpg: 89k, webp: 111k, jpg: 224k

Pre-load/render next page

Duplicate image detection

cp phash.rb /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/
brew install phash --disable-video-hash --disable-audio-hash
cd resources/junk/
require 'phash/image'
z = Phash::Image.new('resources/junk/01.jpg')
x = Phash::Image.new('resources/junk/02.jpg')
z.phash.data # => 1446821432701327343
y = Phash::ImageHash.new(1446821432701327343)
Dir["resources/junk/*.jpg"].each do |jpg|
	puts Phash::Image.new(jpg).phash.data
cd resources/junk/_footers/
convert 0.png -crop 800x100+0+112\! 0_800x100.png



git add . && git commit -am "update" && git push
cd public
python -m SimpleHTTPServer


rm -rf .git
git init
git add .
git commit -m "update"
git remote add origin https://github.com/tamedu/doctruyen.git
git push -u --force origin master


brew install git-lfs
git lfs track "*.webp"
git add .gitattributes