DBC Intro to Ruby with the Twitter API

For use during "Intro to Ruby at Dev Bootcamp, San Francisco" class


A Small Web Application Ruby Skeleton:

  1. Provides a foundation for building a website that interacts with the Twitter API.
  2. Provides a basic model/view/controller (MVC) project to allow students to understand basic web design.


  1. Follow steps at the bottom of this README to create a Twitter Consumer Key/Secret
  2. Clone repository: cd ~/Documents; git clone https://github.com/pongo-pygmaeus/intro-to-ruby-with-twitter-api
  3. Use your terminal to access the newly created directory: cd ~/Documents/intro-to-ruby-with-twitter-api
  4. Type bundle install
  5. Make a new file called .env: touch .env
  6. Open .env in a text editor and add the following keys (DBC recommends either Sublime Text Editor or Atom)
TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY=[Your Twitter API Consumer Key from Twitter Developer Console]
TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET=[Your Twitter API Consumer Secret from Twitter Developer Console]

Type bundle exec shotgun

Twitter Developer Signup Steps

  1. Visit https://dev.twitter.com/resources/signup
  2. After signing up, visit https://apps.twitter.com
  3. Click on your email address
  4. Click on the tab titled Keys and Access Tokens
  5. Observe the section of the page called Application Settings
  6. Take note of the fields called Consumer Key (API Key) and Consumer Secret (API Secret). Use this information in step 5 of the Quickstart steps.