Ansible Playbook: Openstack

An ansible playbook to deploy openstack components to the cluster (CentOS7 & RedHat)


The playbook is composed according to official openstack guides with a primary purpose to learn openstack deployment in a nutshell. Another reason is to fill the gap between official full-fledged and devel deployment guides. At the current state the playbook is able to deploy a fully functional openstack cluster. Also it's possible to deploy everything on a single(VM) host. Also please read requirements section carefully.


The playbook is able to setup the core services described in the official guide:

  • keystone
  • glance
  • cinder
  • nova
  • neutron
  • heat
  • ceilometer
  • horizon

The configuration is very simple:

It’s only required to place hostname(s) to the controller and compute groups in hosts file and carefully fill the required group_vars parameters.

The playbook contains configuration files in roles directories. If you need to add or change any parameter you can edit the configuration file which can be found in roles/service/[files|templates] directory.


Service configuration performed using the hosts file. The empty hosts file is supplied with the playbook. You must not remove any existing group. Leave the group empty if you don't need services the group configures. The same hostname can be placed to any hosts group. As an instance if you want setup everything on one host, just put the same hostname to each hosts group. As far, only controller and compute groups are well tested and supported.

Variables parameters:

Please see group_vars/all and supply appropriate configuration for the required networking and disk partition parameters.


To start deployment run:

ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml


  • Ansible >= is required. Please read official documentation to install it.
  • Openstack version: liberty or mitaka - please use appropriate branch, mitaka is currently at the master branch.
  • remote_user = root must be configured for ansible.

Target host(s) requirements

  • OS version: Redhat/CentOS 7
  • The required for Openstack repositories have to be properly configured.
  • SSH key passwordless authentication must be configured for root account.
  • se_linux must be disabled.
  • requiretty should be switched off in /etc/sudoers file.
  • 2 interfaces must be present: one for private and one for provider(public) network.
  • at least one spare partition must be available for cinder( block storage ) service.
  • Disable firewall using iptables -F