
Plug and play service to expose database as REST APIs

Primary LanguagePython


Expose DB as REST APIs


GET /tables

List all the tables present in the database

GET /tables/{table_name}

Get all the rows from a table. This API is paginated.

Query Parameters

  • maxRows => maximum number of rows to return per page
  • pageNo => page no of the paginated response

Other than the above parameters the API supports dynamic query parameters in the following format

  • The Parameter name should be in this format <column_name>__<operator>. Currently Supported Operators:
    • "eq" for "=="
    • "gt" for ">"
    • "lt" for "<"
    • "ge" for ">="
    • "le" for "<="

Eg. If a table named members contains a column age the following api gets first 100 members whose age is greater than 18

POST /tables/{table_name}

Insert a row into the table

  • The row should be sent in the request body.

If the table members has columns id, name, age, phone_no, the request body should be as shown below:

  "id": 123123,
  "age": 25,
  "name": "member1",
  "phone_no": "9453291811"

PUT /tables/{table_name}

Update the rows of the table

  • The values to be updated should be sent in the request body. It updates only the columns sent leaving other columns unmodified. Behaves like a PATCH request even though it is PUT
  • The filter query is sent in the URL as parameters similar to GET /tables/{table_name}
  • The columns to be updated should be sent in the request body

If the table members has columns id, name, age, phone_no, type and members whose age is greater than 25 should be updated with type 2 then

PUT /tables/members?age__gt=25

  "type": 2

Future plans

  1. Add Authentication
  2. Add RBAC to the service
  3. Configurable Access to data (particular set of data)