
WPF Tree View doesn't scale very good, when you expand a tree item with thousands of items the performance is bad. This TreeView implementation uses a ListBox to simulate a tree

Primary LanguageC#


WPF Tree View doesn't scale very good, when you expand a tree item with thousands of items the performance is bad. This TreeView implementation uses a ListBox to simulate a tree


  1. WPFLiteTreeView doesnt support HierarchicalDataTemplate , Instead your model objects needs to implement the IHaveChildren interface

    public interface IHaveChildren
        IEnumerable Children { get; }  
  2. Instead of setting ItemsSource inside your xaml, you need to set MyItemsSource property

     <liteTreeView:LiteTreeViewControl Grid.Column="1"
                                       MyItemsSource="{Binding Items}">
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}"></TextBlock>
  3. LiteTreeViewControl uses an item container named LiteTreeViewItem. this how you can change its style

    <liteTreeView:LiteTreeViewControl Grid.Column="1"
                                      MyItemsSource="{Binding Path=Items}">   
            <Style TargetType="liteTreeView:LiteTreeViewItem">
                <Setter Property="IsOpen"
                        Value="{Binding IsItOpen,Mode=TwoWay}"></Setter>
                <Setter Property="IsSelected"
                        Value="{Binding IsItSelected,Mode=TwoWay}"></Setter>

Written with StackEdit.