
Bootstrap your node-webkit app.

Primary LanguageCSS


Bootstrap your node-webkit app. Similar idea to node-webkit-hipster-seed, but with different stuff.


  • Notifications (proper Mac ones for Mac OSX 10.8+, otherwise HTML ones)
  • GulpJS (for compiling the app, watching for changes and more)
  • Grunt (for packaging the app up for each platform, will be moved to Gulp once node-webkit-builder#46 is complete)
  • Bower
  • LESS
  • Bootstrap 3 (LESS)
  • Autoprefixing of CSS
  • CoffeeScript
  • CoffeeScript linting (deliberately fails the compilation step in order to enforce)
  • Browserify
  • jQuery 2
  • KnockoutJS
  • Jade templates
  • nedb for persistent storage
  • Lossless compression of images
  • Code style docs

To come:

  • Gulp task for generating documentation based on Biscotto CoffeeScript comments
  • Automated integration tests
  • Image conversion (to WebP)
  • SVG icons


Global dependencies

  1. npm install -g bower and make sure it's on your path.
  2. npm install -g gulp and make sure it's on your path.


  1. npm start


  1. npm install
  2. bower install
  3. cd app
  4. npm install
  5. gulp

Other useful commands

  • gulp clean
  • gulp lint. Generates a nice CoffeeLint report.
  • gulp compile (this is what npm run compiler calls)
  • gulp compile-watch. This first compiles everything, then watches for any changes in the LESS, Coffeescripts, etc. and re-compiles what has changed. If you want to run this, you should open a second terminal to run npm run app once the re-compilation has finished.

Notable files

  • .editorconfig. See editorconfig.org.
  • package.json: Add any GulpJS dependencies here under devDependencies.
  • bower.json: Any browser-side dependencies.
  • app/package.json: node-webkit manifest file. List any node dependencies here needed in the end app (e.g. jQuery) and you can nequire them from your Coffescripts.
  • app/scripts/app.coffee: JS entry point
  • app/style/app.less: LESS root



  • gyp modules might not work on windows unless executable is named nw.exe nwjs/nw.js#199