- 0
- 0
Read only users can still create events
#104 opened by pbardea - 0
- 1
Map updates should not hook into events
#64 opened by justinli610 - 0
Comments sometimes don't persist
#100 opened by justinli610 - 1
Investigate saving and loading
#71 opened by justinli610 - 2
Hover tooltip for online users
#75 opened by tammy - 1
Read-only collaborators
#72 opened by pbardea - 0
New threads/messages need an author field
#89 opened by tammy - 4
Allow editing trip metadata
#86 opened by tammy - 0
Deleting components
#93 opened by tammy - 0
No date/time format for frontend
#85 opened by tammy - 0
Adding collaborators doesn't work
#62 opened by justinli610 - 1
Polish threads
#74 opened by tammy - 0
Can't render global CSS
#88 opened by tammy - 0
Error and success alerts
#87 opened by tammy - 1
Users are not created upon login
#65 opened by tammy - 2
Make Logout Work
#81 opened by pbardea - 0
Create new trip does not add self as collaborator
#73 opened by tammy - 1
Responsive Design
#68 opened by pbardea - 0
Lint errors fail build
#10 opened by justinli610 - 1
Drag and drop for first card is broken
#19 opened by justinli610 - 4
404 Page on the frontend
#38 opened by pbardea - 6
Functions can't access file-global consts
#1 opened by pbardea - 1
Facebook logout doesn't work
#42 opened by justinli610 - 0
Trip edit page: columns misaligned
#63 opened by justinli610 - 1
Consider Adding Tests
#37 opened by pbardea - 0
Drag and drop is broken
#9 opened by justinli610