Voicepedia is an open source web application written in Go in the server-side and HTML5 technologies in the client side. You can use your voice to tell which Wikipedia entry to search for. No need to use your eyse, the entry's content will be reading to you!
Voicepedia is also a social web app, when you can record your voice and hear voices by people around the world!
- Draw R to listen recent articles read by real people
- Draw S to start searching
- Draw ? to listen how to use Voicepedia
- Start RethinkDB and Redis
- Download lastest wikipedia database at Wikipedia database dump
- Uncompress using bzip2 (44GB uncompressed)
- Clean database using Wikipedia extractor (about 5 - 6 hours)
- Import database using scripts/import.go (about 4 hours)
- Index database using scripts/index.go (about 4.5 hours)
go get github.com/tamnd/voicewiki
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/tamnd/voicewiki
go build && ./voicewiki
- A index/search engine write from scratch (scripts/index.go, model/article/search.go)
- A light HTTP middleware (middleware)
- A gesture engine (/public/public/js/gesture.js, /public/public/js/pad.js)
And much more...
Under BSD license.