

A smart contract application for storing a password. Users should be able to store a password and then retrieve it later. Others should not be able to access the password.

💻 Security Review code:

Findings 👇🏽

[H-1] Storing variables on chain makes it visible to anyone, thus no longer private

Description: All data stored on chain is visible to anyone, and it can be read directly from the blockchain. The PasswordStore::s_password variable is intended to be private and only accessed through the PasswordStore::getPassword function, which is intended to be only called by the owner of the contract.

We show one such method of reading any data of chain below.

Impact: Anyone can read the private password, severely breaking the functionality of the protocol

Proof of Concept:(Proof of code) the below example shows how can anyone read the password from the blockchain.

  1. Create a locally running chain
make anvil
  1. Deploy the contract to the chain
make deploy
  1. Run the storage tool

We use 1 here because that's the storage slot of s_password in the contract.

cast storage <ADDRESS_HERE> 1 --rpc-url

You will get and output that looks like this 0x6d7950617373776f726400000000000000000000000000000000000000000014

Then you can parse that hex to a string with:

cast --parse-bytes23-string 0x6d7950617373776f726400000000000000000000000000000000000000000014

And get an output of


Recommended Mitigation: Due to this, the overall architecture of the contract should be rethought. One could encrypt the password off-chain, and the store the encrypted password on-chain. This would require the user to remember another password off-chain to decrypt the password on-chain. However we would also likely want to remove the view function as we won't want the user to accidentaly send a transaction with the password that decrypts your password.

[H-2] PasswordStore::setPassword has no access control, meaning a non-owner could change the password

Description: The PasswordStore::setPassword function is set to be external function, however, the natspec of the function says This function allows only owner to set a new password.

    function setPassword(string memory newPassword) external {
 @>       // @audit access control bug
        s_password = newPassword;
        emit SetNetPassword();

Impact: Anyone can set/change the password, severly breaking the contract's intended functionality.

Proof of Concept: Add the following to PasswordStore.t.sol test file.

    function test_anyone_can_Set_password(address randomAddress) public {
        vm.assume(randomAddress != owner);
        string memory expectedPassword = "myNewPassword";

        string memory actualPassword = passwordStore.getPassword();
        assertEq(actualPassword, expectedPassword);

Recommended Mitigation: Add an access control conditional to the setPassword function.

    revert PasswordStore__NotOwner();

[I-1] The PasswordStore::getPassword natspec indicates a parameter that doesn't exist, causing the natspec to be incorrect.

Description: The PasswordStore::getPassword function signature is getPassword() while the natspec says should be getPassword(string)

     * @notice This allows only the owner to retrieve the password.
@>   * @param newPassword The new password to set.

    function getPassword() external view returns (string memory) {}

Impact: Natspec is incorrect

Recommended Mitigation: Remove the incorrect natspec line.

-  * @param newPassword The new password to set.