
Primary LanguageJavaScript

To-Do-List project

πŸ“— Table of Contents

πŸ“– [ To-Do-List project]

In this project i build list book project.

πŸ›  Built With

Tech Stack

Additional Tools

  • WebHint
  • Stylelint
  • ESlint
  • Node Packet Manager
  • ES6
  • Webpack

Key Features

  • [local storage]
  • [USING ES6]

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πŸš€ Live Demo


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πŸ’» Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.


  • Basic html, css and medium Javascript know how.
  • Git installation
  • A text editor
  • A terminal
  • A web browser to view output e.g Google Chrome
  • An IDE e.g Visual studio code

In order to run this project you need:

npm install


Clone this repository to your desired folder:

cd my-folder

git clone git@github.com:tamoorsaeed22/to-do-list.git


Install this project with:

cd my-project

npm install


cd my-folder

git clone git@github.com:tamoorsaeed22/to-do-list.git


Install this project with:

cd my-project

npm install


To run the project, execute the following command:

live server

npm start

Run tests

To run tests, run the following command:

npm install --save-dev hint@7.x

npx stylelint "**/*.{css,scss}"


You can deploy this project using:

github pages

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πŸ‘₯ Authors

πŸ‘€ Tamoor saeed

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πŸ”­ Future Features

  • [Add More styling]

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🀝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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⭐️ Show your support

Most of us are pretty good at judging whether a project is relevant for us. We might not be the master of it but we might recognize that we’ve done something similar before and feel confident that we can pick it up and help.If you can’t find anything you think you are good at, consider looking at different projects that require less technical skill.If relevant for the project, you can also prepare some samples specific to the project to impress the client.The trick is to prepare some that are slightly different or watermarked, so they can’t use them in the project but close enough that they can see the potential If you like this project, kindly give it a star.

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πŸ™ Acknowledgments

I would like to thank my colleague and Microverse for the opportunity

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πŸ“ License

This project is MIT licensed.