In the spirit of the event, and to help new developers become familiar with the Fork / Pull Request flow, i've created this Repo as an easy way to try it out!
2018 Hacktoberfest went over so well that we are continuing the tradition
and now using the same repository for Hacktoberfest 2019!
🎉 Create a simple program in your favorite language that displays why you became a developer!
- Fork this Repo
- Navigate locally to the folder on your computer where you want to clone the repo
- Clone this Repo onto your local machine
- Create a new branch
git branch NEW_BRANCH_NAME
- Navigate into your created branch
git checkout NEW_BRANCH_NAME
- Add your program your-name.language into the contributions folder
- Add your name to the file as a contributor
- Push your branch to your forked repo
git push origin NEW_BRANCH_NAME
- Submit your Pull Request!