Organized chaos

My name is Dirk Soentjens. I am a designer living in Wessem, the Netherlands. I like coding, music, and solving problems.

I have a bachelors degree of Art and Technology from The Hogeschool voor de kunsten Utrecht (HKU) (

Currently I work as a designer, but I am always looking for an interesting opportunity to make better use of my skills related to coding and solving problems.

Given the right opportunity I am willing to move pretty much anywhere.

You can reach me at, or on twitter:

My website is at

My coding experiments

Technologies and Tools

I am very good at:

  • javascript, angularjs, jquery
  • flash actionscript 3 (to bad flash died)
  • html
  • css

In addition I am decent at:

  • PHP
  • SQL
  • Git
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator

Recently I've started learning:

  • Nodejs, PhantomJS
  • Ruby
  • ssh
  • Android Studio ~ adb

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