
Wercker Support - Drop your issues and problems that you are running into

Wercker support

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  • team wercker


Wercker CLI

If you are experiencing issues running wercker locally, please submit a support ticket using the "Contact Us" link at https://wercker.uservoice.com/forums/181077-general

  • Which OS are you using?
  • Which Docker environment are you using? (Boot2docker, custom, etc)
  • Create a gist containing the following information:
    • The entire log when running wercker with the --debug log. (ie. wercker --debug build)
    • The wercker.yml file that causes the issues.

Wercker Web

If you are experiencing issues running builds or deploys on hosted wercker, please do the following:

Try running the build again to see if the error occurs again. If it does, turn on support for the application, and submit a support ticket using the "Contact Us" link at https://wercker.uservoice.com/forums/181077-general with the following information:

  • The application owner and application name.
  • The ID of the build or deploy that failed.