My neovim config. Might require nightly.
No screenshots or showcase for treesitter, lsp diagnostics, nvim-cmp, etc as they're common in all configs. Here are some unique (useless) things which cant be seen in other normal configs.
Dashboard | Init file |
Lil ducklings everywhere | Animated float open |
Plugin Market | Read XKCD when bored |
Mpv Music player | Raining inside |
Some notes regarding the config:
- This might be the most useless config you might come across. Peace ☮️
- Approximately around 500 LOC.
- The gifs above might feel choppy, but theyre super smooth in real.
- Some of the other functionalities that are not mentioned:
- Calculator (A real one with a UI)
- Stalk (provide a gh username and check their activities)
- TmpClone (temporarily clone a project from gh for quick inspection)
- Quicknote (Project agnostic notes that does not pollute the root directory)
- Scratch buffer (filetype default set to lua and <leader>r evaluates it)
- Bookmark in the signcolumn with mini alphabets (toggleable)
- Chatgpt (custom)
- (custom detects language automagically)
- Close command (:bd and :q detect automagically)
- Neorg (with code execution and presenter modules)
- Screensavers (DVD logo running around)
- Snake game (not fully working)
- Thunder client alternative with tab like clickable winbar.
- No mason/null-ls though. I already have lsp and diags working.
- Custom vim.ui.input, and vim.notify.
- NullPointer (share files via :PP using