
Plugin for CTFd that integrates a web based shell

Primary LanguagePython


Plugin for CTFd that integrates a web based shell using docker containers.



There are a few manual configurations you will have to do in order to succesfully setup the plugin.


The web based shell is routed through an Apache web server with ssl enabled and then passed to the shellinabox container locally.
In order to setup the Apache web server for your ctf you have to make a few changes.

  1. Add ServerName www.example.com and ServerAlias example.com with your url to the
    docker/apache-docker/default-ssl.conf file.
  2. Change ProxyPass / and ProxyPass /shell to the local/private address of your shell server.
    Note: localhost will not work as the address due to the web server being inside of a docker container.
  3. Replace apache.crt and apache.key with your own certificates.


The plugin files need a few changes in order for it to work properly for your ctf.

  1. In ctfd-shell-plugin/shell-plugin/shell-templates/shell.html change src="https://shell.ctf.tamu.edu/shell/" to the public address of your shell server.
  2. Replace 'localhost' on line 27 in ctfd-shell-plugin/shell-plugin/shell.py with the local/private address of your shell server.
  3. Replace 'localhost' on line 5 in ctfd-shell-plugin/server-scripts/shell_queue_recv.py with the local/private address of your shell server.
  4. Copy shell-plugin directory into to the plugins directory of CTFd


The final configuration needed is to just build and launch the docker containers.
Run ./setup.sh