This repository provides Linux binaries and PDF files produced from the CWEB programs written by Donald E. Knuth for “Satisfiability”, Volume 4 Fascicle 6 of The Art of Computer Programming (TAOCP). The original CWEB programs were obtained on March 19, 2019 from:
They were compiled on Ubuntu 18.04 with TeX Live 2018 by using the following Perl script.
There were some errors during the compilation (see the following log file). Therefore, it is not guaranteed the compiled programs and PDFs are correct.
These programs can be executed in Jupyter notebooks on Binder with iPython3 kernel.
- (in Japanese)
If you want to run this on Google Colaboratory, use the following link.
- (in Japanese)
See the following web page for more details of how to run Knuth’s programs.
- Knuth先生の『TAOCP Satisfiability』を読む (in Japanese)