Bilevel Online Adaptation for Human Mesh Reconstruction

Primary LanguagePython

BOA - Bilevel Online Adaptation


Code repository for the paper:
Bilevel Online Adaptation for Out-of-Domain Human Mesh Reconstruction
Shanyan Guan*, Jingwei Xu*, Yunbo Wang, Bingbing Ni, Xiaokang Yang
CVPR 2021
[Paper] [project page] [Supp]



If you find this code useful for your research or the use data generated by our method, please consider citing this paper:

  Title          = {Bilevel Online Adaptation for Out-of-Domain Human Mesh Reconstruction},
  Author         = {Shanyan, Guan and Jingwei, Xu and Yunbo, Wang and Bingbing, Ni and Xiaokang, Yang},
  Booktitle      = {CVPR},
  Year           = {2021}


  1. Please run pip install requirements.txt to install all dependencies.
  2. Downloading data related to SMPL:
  • Download the SMPL model and then remove the dependency on Chumpy follwing this instruction. Then, put the processed models to data/smpl/.
  • Download 3rd party files which is provided by SPIN. Then extact the file and put them to data/spin_data.

Get Started

Download the base model pre-trained on Human 3.6M. Run the following commond to excute Bilevel online optimization.

python boa.py --name boa-1

Preparing Dataset

Before running the BOA, we should process the datasets first.

  • 3DPW
    Note that this is the guideline to get data according to the #PS protocol (i.e. processing 3DPW following SPIN). To obtain data according to the #PH protocol, please run the scripts in HMMR, and save the results.

    1. Download the 3DPW dataset. Then edit PW3D_ROOT in the config.py.
    2. Run the processing script:
      python process_data.py --dataset 3dpw

    1. Download the MPI-INF-3DHP dataset. Then edit MPI_INF_3DHP_ROOT in the config.py
    2. Extracting frames by running
      cd utils/data_preprocess
      python extract_3dhp_frames.py
    3. Run the processing script:
      python process_data.py --dataset 3dhp
      Note that installing spacepy is required. Please refer to this website to install it.
  • Human 3.6M
    Mesh annotation is a necessary file. However I cannot provide it in public. If you get access to it, following the next intruction to process Human 3.6M.

    1. Download Human 3.6M. Downloader is suggested.
    2. Unpack files:
      python unpack_h36m.py
      And then edit H36M_ROOT in the config.py.
    3. Check if the mesh annotations need to be rectified:
      cd utils/data_preprocess
      python check_mosh.py
      If the joints is not aligned to the image, please rectify them by
      python rectify_pose.py
    4. Processing Human 3.6M. python process_data.py --dataset h36m

To be fixed

When I try the code on the 3080 GPU with Pytorch 1.8 and CUDA 11.1, the adaptation speed is slower more than 10 times. I will fix this issue ASAP.


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