Welcome to Weather Forecast application with features

  1. Forecast weather status at cities over the world
  2. Compare weather on your desired locations to make trip better


How to use

  1. Type city to search box and select one in suggested list
  2. Weather on selected city will be shown in few seconds
  3. Repeat step 1 to compare weather on different city

How to start on your machine

  1. git clone https://github.com/binhfoto/nab-weather-forecast.git
  2. cd nab-weather-forecast
  3. yarn install
  4. yarn start
    Note: yarn@1.22.4, node@v14.3.0

Run in Docker

  1. Build image docker build -t nab-weather-app-img .
  2. Run app docker run -d --name nab-weather-app -p 3000:8080 nab-weather-app-img
  3. Stop app docker container stop nab-weather-app

How to run test

  • yarn test

Technical Stack

Name Description
Create React App Scaffold project
React UI-based component
Typescript Strong type, Error Handling
Redux State Management
Redux-saga Handling side effects
Jest Test framework
Enzyme Test React components
redux-saga-test-plan Test sagas
Prettier Opinionated Code Format
husky Pre commit hook
API https://www.metaweather.com/api/

What's good to have next

  1. Show weather at current location by default
  2. Allow to remove weather item on list
  3. Show error friendly if having any