(Remark: Currently, this is a Work in progress)


I wish to create a stock database that scrape the price and finanncial statement data to the MySQL database.


Below is the ER Diagram of this database project:



  • python + mysql database

steps to run:

  1. rename .sample_env to .env, and then rep
  2. open terminal, and then type python -m app.database.db_controller
  3. check back your mysql gui to see if the database is created


  1. CSV file for FinancialStatementLineSequenceDB: https://github.com/leosmigel/analyzingalpha/tree/master/2020-02-28-financial-statement-database
  2. use intrinio as a baseline for database design of macro economics data: https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/web_api/get_all_economic_indices_v2
  3. use schedule + threading to repeat scraping process at any interval: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-schedule-library/ & https://schedule.readthedocs.io/en/stable/parallel-execution.html
  4. use numba + numpy to replace pandas for faster iteration
  5. learn pytest for unit testing and Integration testing:


Build a MySQL database which scrape historical stock price data, news data, and macroeconomics data.


  1. Makefile to automate the mysql db creation... (+Github actions)

  2. Use financedatabase to get data: https://pypi.org/project/financedatabase/


database migrations tool: alembic

  • Step 1: Type alembic init alembic at your working directory. It will create an folder named alembic. Skip this if alembic folder exists
  • Step 2: Type alembic revision --autogenerate
  • Step 3: Type alembic upgrade head