• ./run-cluster.sh number-of-instances /path/to/input/file starts number-of-instances rocksDb instances, one coorinator and one partitioner.
  • ./kill.sh kills all rocksDb instances, the coordinator, and the partitioner.
  • A forked rpclib repo is contained as a git submodule, so when cloning this repo
    • either do git clone --recursive git@github.com:tan-yue/power-law-rocksdb.git
    • or git clone without --recursive and do git submodule update --init inside the cloned repo


Implement the two functions below

  1. cc/coordinator.cc:Coordinator::lookup
  2. cc/partitioner.cc:Partitioner::repartition

Build and Run

  • gen-zipf.sh: a script generating Zipfian stream to the standrad output
  • make compiles files in folder cc and puts executables in folder build
  • make debug does the same thing as make but turn on debug messages
  • For instructions of building rpclib, please refer to rpclib's doc page